My freebie for Christmas ...... enjoy

I was working hard to get a really curious and funny Freebie,,,,so take a look all you can do with my Glitter Style freebie........wowwwww,,, of course I used also my Origami frame,,,,,available at DIGITALARTSCAFE To get this awesome look.:

So Happy New Year and grab these GLITTER STYLES ,,,,,only for a very limited time,,,,,,,,,,,,


Please leave some comment if you download it,

I love you so much

I love you so much
Cargado originalmente por nicecrane
My new LO using my own Xmas themed papers and of course the ones from the freebie by Mabelle at digiscrapworks,,,,,,, i like a lot my new glitter style I was testing it,,,, wowwww....... and all over specials thanks to Mabelle for the kit.

A realistic vintage look with my new products

today is the day, I am wishing all you a Merry Crhistmas,,,,, and I hope Santa give you all you are wishing......... a big hug to all you from Nicecrane

Take a look to my new LO,,,,wowww, I designed it on pastel blue and green tones,,,,, using my new products "origami frame" available exclusively at "DIGITALARTSCAFE" and my new "3D Stars" available at "CLD" ,,,,,,,,,,,,


I am testing about presentation on "De Luxe Editon" thanks,,,,you all

Awesome LO done by Lara from my CT

Wow, Lara really worked on a different and curious way using my folded tree,,,,,you can view how trees are really so far and of course,,,,,,, you can watch on this LO how visibility is really decreasing,,,,,,,,,,, love it,,,,,,,,, thanks Lara.

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Photoshop Instructor, Graphic Designer, Origamist, Crazy Perfectionist


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