A Christmas Carol by Philips Brooks & New Digi-Stamps

Dear ladies first aof all MERRY CHRISTMAS,,,,,,, I am showing the amazing work by Femmy from my CT using my " Chirstmas Carol" by Philips Brooks CS:

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She made this 10x 10 with the new sheet A Christmas Carol by Philip Brooks from Nicecrane Designs. it also fits the theme Peace at http://4x4friday.blogspot.com/

Made with collagesheets from Nicecrane Designs

From her blog :Merry Christmas to all my bloggerfriends and visitors, thanks all for the nice comments and emails you gave me this last year.

And Cheryl did and awesome work with These sheets Oh my here is her work:

Finally I have made a few more cards,again using images from Nicreane designs,the link to these and more is HERE These again are all tiny cards,small and simple just like me.

Papers papermania,snowflakes adhesive stickers,adhesive stones,MS punch,and lace that is it. Well those of you that are off out today take care and stay safe and warm,hugs cheryl x
Oh I also have a new follower bless you hun can not seem to find,your blog as the links do not work so thanks again hun for adding to my followers list,xxx
diecutdreams xmas carol

They used my previus A Christmas Carol (by PhilipsBrooks) Cs

A Christmas Carol (Phillip Brooks)

And now here is your FREEBIE:

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