Woww Ladies, Jenny love Venetia and asked me to send some vintage "Venetian Paintigns" to create special vintage cards,and with her unique and particlar style,,,,so I did it and here is the stunning work working with my new sheets,,,available in my store.
Working with Venetian Paintings:
You know I'm obsessed with Italy/Venice at the moment. Well the owner of this fabulous digital image emporium, Ignacio, was an utter angel and sourced some vintage images of Venice. He has now put them into two sets for you to play and create with too The beauty of these is that they are detailed and clear enough that you can use parts of them if you want (as I have done in the cards below).I loved the idea of using the paintings in polaroid frames - well paintings were the 18th Century versions of holiday photos for those on the 'Grand Tour' you know!!
You see what I mean about the clarity and detail of these images? And this is under a layer of clear EP too.
Piles of die cuts using textured CS and some of my own creation.
Oh happy days - it all coordinates beautifully with the Stampers Anonymous Classics #2 set.
The second card - slightly different colours used to work with the greener tones within the image but the design worked so I went with it.
And more close ups so you can see the detail.
The beauty of these images is they are (to use Son 1's expression) 'gender non-specific, so one of these is for a male and another for a female, but it would be rude to tell you who is the older:)
I really hope you like these images and consider using them for your projects too. Just thought - in case the picture links don't work I'll put them at the end of this too.

Last night I was watching the new " Under the Dome" Serial based on the famous book by Stephen King,and I am falling in love with this episode,,,,,,love it, love it,,,,,,,,,,so mysterious, so unnusual I use my "Shaped Library Card" to place over the Book to avoid any friend ask me it and at the end I can`t finish to read it.......woww, woww,wowww
Under The Dome Trailer (Ep 1)
My Shaped Library Card on the Famous S. King Book
But you can use it on your favorite Journal Cards and also to place in your unique books,so you can be sure they are safe from your friends. Take a look to the amazing work by Karen Conner working with my "Shaped Library Card"
Journal Cards by Karen Conner

But That is not all,,,,,if you are a true crafter you can create your own,journal cards, bookmarks,layouts, and anything you can imagine with my new "Reading Kids DSL" .Try it.
Nicecrane Designs has a pretty awesome collection of Vintage pin-up girls, and I totally had fun creating this card for Brigitte!
Are you a Pin Up Fan?
I must tell you Sandra Dow was working with my funny Pin Ups : "I usually design my personal cards to reflect some form of physical or emotional connection. Brigitte and I are both Canadian, and she is in fact part of our Armed Forces, so I decided to take advantage of that fact, and Nicecrane Designshad the perfect image for me to use…"
Nicecrane Designs has a pretty awesome collection of Vintage pin-up girls, and I totally had fun creating this card for Brigitte!
Here is a close up shot...
I printed the image onto Neenah cardstock and then coloured it with my Copic markers. Choosing a colour scheme was pretty much made for me, given the fact that the military is basically limited to earth tones. (LOL)
Shirt/Hat - BG93, 96 G 94
Boots/Gun/Hair - N0, 03, 05, 07, 10
Skin - E0000, 000, 00, 11, R21, 22
Boxes – E0000, B0000, BG0000
And I used DeconstructingJen sketch #1
I hope you enjoyed my card as much as I enjoyed the reason behind creating it.

And all over Sandra also was working with my Twelvetrees Babies
This particular image is from the “Sweet Twelvetrees Babies Collagesheet".You simply print onto your own papers or other medium for your cards, ATCs, altered books and boxes, decoupage, ornaments, tags, assemblage, scrapbooking and other paper crafts.

Thanks a million to the Team and you for stoping by in my blog.