Playing with Trifold Cards

This week I continue play8ing with my "ATC Trifold Template CU" so I designed a new and at time old vintage cards using this amazing tool...take a look to my samplers:

Snappy Stories (Inspired on this famous magazine)

A close look

ATC Triflod Card, Snappy Stories and Fashion Pages (Below)

Dorcas from my CT made a wonderful Card using my ATC Trifold Template and my "Aesop Fables CS" take a look, she is really a rock ,thanks Dorcas:

A fun and curious way to show your friends and children famous books..........wowww..

Aesop Fables Trifold Card (By Dorcas)

Recipe card:

El Jabato (Spanish Comic)

Here I am showing how you can make a really curious Trifold from your favorite Comic Book, you can choose some gorgeus illustrations and add some items for the magazine cover,,,and you´ll get a unique Card.

I use here my "ATC Trifold Template CU" and a new "Victorian Background" to get a better look:

Victorian Texture II

And here you have a closer look to test the high quality of this product:

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