Lo by Aneckaw using my Matchbooklets

Wowww, Aneckaw did a really a closeup of my matchbooklet and a gorgeus LO, take a peek tio her beauriful work

New products and a freebie by Anezckaw

i have just upload my tow new and gorgeus products about straws to the store,,,,,now you can get your more really funny greetings in a curious and unique way........ framing them with STRAW FRAMES,,,you can choose now between rectangular or square frames.

this is a Lo I designed using these products and the gorgeus freebie from the Kit "Swan Princess" by Aneczkaw HERE

and take a peek to my new products here:

I hope you like my new products, and rembember you can ask me any question you wish
You can watch also the gorgeus LO i did using these awesome Straw frames:

And now it is time to get your freebie wowwww.... please leave some love words here in the blog if you like the freebie. click on the picture to GRAB it. PASS is 291162

Sorry this link have expired 135 downloads.

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