New Release and inspiration

wow,,, this time and due on demand I designed,,, an awesome and curius "Stamped Frames" for CU,,,,,,,,,, and of course if you are looking for inspiration,,,,,take a peek to my last lo´s with this unique product:

Please you can get the credit HERE

Please you can get the credits HERE

Please you can get the credits HERE

Of course The layout inmy previous post also used this awesome product:

And...... all them have been created using my really curious product:

You can now buy it Direclty and INSTANTANEUSLY through PAYPAL and e-junkie FOR ONLY $3.25.

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New funny Release and your freebie

wowwwww I was inpired today,,,,, so I designed a really funny and curius stamps for you to recolour,,,,them,,,,, and they are so funny...........take a peek to my Lo:

I used papers from "Vintage Papers by Raspberry Roads" and of course my new curious Aroduct: "Funny Stamps"

Buy it directly and INSTANTANEUSLY through Paypal and E-junkie......I am accepting Payment Standard from and faster.
...FOR ONLY $2.25 so GO AHEAD:

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And now your Freebie,,,,,,,,, and it is only for a very limited time,,,,,,,,,:


A Free Contest and some idea for you

As you view in my previous post,,,,I used a really happy song by Shakira to make my funny layout,, so I tought it would be a great idea to have a contest.

Here are the details:

Theme: Use photo/s inspired in some lyric…songs……that is all,,
Products Used: Open to all
Dateline: June 30 , 2008

Please send your digital layout measuring 600 x 600 pixels to before the due date. Don’t forget to add credits for the products you used.
3 layouts will be selected to received a USD20.00 Gift Certificate to shop at Nicecrane Designs . Winners will be announced via e-mail and here in this blog.
So, Go ahead and Happy Scrapping

All paricipants,,,,,will receive as gift my new PRODUCT " lOVE RING TEMPLATE" SO COME ON ...... and good luck..

Now i am showing you how to use my las product "Ring Frames" and the blending modes,,,,,wowwww,,,, it works really perfectly.

You can watch all Credits HERE

and you can view other version using my own papers and origami items:

All the potential with Origami Rings

Wowwww, Enjoy LIfe,,,,,,,,,I makade this layout to show you all the ture potential working with my "Origami Rings" CU product,,,,,,,, so you can create any frame you can imagine.

You can watch Credits HERE

Enjoy,,,video Lyric, and awesome layout,,,,,

I love a special song by shakira ,,,it is "My days Without You" and I have watched a really beautiful video in You tube,,,, with romantic photos and this song,,,, so I Scrap this video,,,,,,,,, take a peek:

Wowwwwww, I relly love this song,,,,, and now you can watch my Scrap aobut it.

I used the photos on the video to do this romantic lo.

Papers and embellishment from "Daisy " by Heather T.
and of course my own products:

Multi Photo-Frame II
Worn Seals

Folded butterflies

Funny Glitters Style

Lyric is really a beautiful poem to love so here is the english translation for you enjoy it:

My days without you are so dark
so long, so gray
My days without you
My days without you are so absurd
so bitter, so hard
My days without you
My days without you don’t have nights
and if one appears
it’s useless to try and sleep
My days without you are a waste of time
The hours have no beginning or end

So empty of air
So full of nothing
useless scrap
trash on the ground
flies in the house

My days without you are like a sky
without silvery moons
nor traces of sun
My days without you are only an echo
that always repeats
the same song

So empty of air
So full of nothing
useless scrap
trash on the ground
flies in the house

Stomping on rocks (I remove the o, the word is r*cks)
although I go on hoping that you’ll come back to me
although I go on seeking in the faces of the old
traces of the young
chasing after reasons that make me believe
that although I find myself living
biting my nails
drowning myself in a flood of tears
missing you so much

My days without you
How they ache, my days without you

At the end the Origami Ring (CU) available

Wow,,,,,here is at the end,,,, a Professional Use,,,,,version,,, of my " Origami Rings Frame",,,,,,so you can create your own rign frame and appy it your papers and stuyles to custom it,,,,,,,,,,, the possibilities and endless, take a peek:

Buy it directly and INSTANTANEUSLY through Paypal and E-junkie......I am accepting Payment Standard from and faster.

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Buying directly you SAFE about 12% OFF,,, and you ´ll receive special Tip about how use my products as a professional,,,,,,,,,(I am photoshop instructor)GO AHEAD; and of course you also get an extra BONUS to buy my products about 25%OFF

Now I a offering you a really awesome freebie,,,,,,so you can view all the potential with this unique Template,,,,,,,,,I did all them with the previous product.....wowwww

Pass:origami but only for a very limited time,,,, and please leave some love words in my blog.


Wowwww Available my Origami Rings.........

First of all Happy Fathers´s Day and now watch my los to celebrate this beautiful DAY.

do you like???????? then go ahead and download for free the Dad papers in the previous post,,,,, and of course you can stop,,,,, and take visit my STORE at DIGITALS To get all products I used on this awesome Lo. You can view the CREDITS HERE

You can enjoy showing your favourite photos as you have never watched,,,, so take a peek:

You can show all them as flowers or all you can imagine with the awesome and unique Origami Rings,,,,,,

Available now at Stores for only $2.75 a must for all Scrapbooker GRAB IT HERE


I am working in my new origami frame,,,,so take a look to the preview frame,,,,,I used them as a really curious will available in a few hours,,,,,all users that leave a comments HERE in my blog,,,,,will receive a bonus for 12%OFF.

and a second version with different colors:

A very happy father´s day to you all,so please feel free to use this nice and funny "Father´s day Paper set" and it is freebie......thanks for visiting my blog...

Wowwwww I have just to finish my new product "dog shapes and Tangram",,,,,take a look how different is a lo using this product:


9 Different dog tangram shapes in different colors and a Tangram frame ,,,,to include and frame your favourite photos,,,,, all them in PNG Files.

You can Buy directly through PAYPAL now and DOWNLOAD INSTANTANEOUSLY ,,,,,, for only $3.25
Buying directly you SAFE about 12% OFF,,, and you ´ll receive special Tip about how use my products as a professional,,,,,,,,,(I am photoshop instructor)GO AHEAD; and of course you also get an extra BONUS to buy my products about 25%OFF

Add to Cart View Cart

You can buy it now for free at my DIGITALS STORE HERE

Now It is time for Freebie,,,, so here is it. wowwwwww and Happy Father´s Day

GRAB IT HERE pass:daddy,,,,,, and enjoy this day,,,,,,,,,,,,and don´rt miss visit my blog for new and allways different freebies and products,,,,,,BE DIFFERENT SCRAP TO YOUR WAY.

opssssssssss it will continue..........

oh no,,,,,,,dosgs dogs and more dogs,,,,,,,,,

Gorgeus origami heart flowers ,,,,,,,new releases

Wowww, different unique, wonderfull,,,,,,,,I love to be different,,,,,, take a look to my last lo using my new flowers kit. and it is for commercial use.

It is a Tribute to all my Japanese friends,,,,,,wowwwwwwwww, thanks my friends...

You can watch oall products i used HERE in the credits

and of course I used my new and last product "origami flowers" available HERE at DIGITALS

Be creative and teach me all you can do...........Try it.

New Qp and a awesome freebie for you

Wowww, last night I heard the phrase: "Loe a magic word that makes me think,....." wowwwwwww, beautiful words,,,, it inspired me , so I designed a curious Qp and of course a freebie wordart for you.

I used my las product and really curious one,,,,,,,,,my gorgeus LOVE QP :

Now available at DIGITALS HERE to a very low cost.

and now it is time for freebie.....LOVE is wonderfull, so hee is your incredible WORDART LOVE. but only for a very limited Time. Journaling reads, "LOVE a magic word that makes me Think2, anonymus words of hope.

Go ahedad as fast as you can and GRABT IT HERE


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Photoshop Instructor, Graphic Designer, Origamist, Crazy Perfectionist


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