The Country Diary of an Edwuardian Lady

Woww,woww,woww,,, I must tell you Alison Bomber is now on The Team, so I asked her to work with my new "The Country Diary of an Edwuardian Lady" from the famous book by Edith Holdenand she did this absolutely stunning Vintage Poems Book, enjoy watching it:

The Year in Poetry by Alison bomber (12 months included)
Here I've used the lovely Country Lady Save Pack, inspired by the illustrations from Edith Holden's Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady.


Since there are twelve months to get through, I'm issuing a Long Photo-Heavy Post Warning!!
This was one of those projects where it really felt as though I was just along for the ride... I didn't know very much about it!  That may be the effect of it all arriving in my head in the middle of the night, and half of it being made in the early hours of the morning, but I think it's also a good sign that you're "in the zone", or at least "in the moment" as you're creating... just letting things happen, and enjoying the ride.

It was also clear that the universe was on my side when, after a snowy night, the sun came out to allow me to capture some some photos in its late afternoon golden rays.


There's part of a photo from the earlier shots of my desk that will give you some idea of the journey of this piece.

I used sheets from a cheap watercolour pad (bought from The Works for a couple of pounds), and tore them to the size I wanted.

I printed the lovely monthly illustrations on some canvas weave printer paper which gives them a lovely weight and texture, slightly fabric like... I think you can see something of what I mean in later photographs.

To weather the papers, and tone them in with the images, I did a lot of spritzing.  I started with coffee (yes, actual coffee), but wanted a bit more colour, so I mixed a bit of Mushroom Color Wash in with it.

This gave a good base colour; then, for extra texture and colour I spritzed very lightly with the Mushroom again, or with Espresso Color Wash, and sometimes with both to build up the interest.

Once that was done, I blended Vintage Photo and Wild Honey DIs onto the edges of the pages.  The Wild Honey is great for warming up the tone of whatever colour you're using, and given that these images had quite honeyed tones in them anyway, it seemed the perfect ingredient.

You can see the eventual look on the back cover and these close-ups... and what I love is that each page is unique, with its own colour combination and splatter pattern!

And of course I used the Tim Holtz paper distresser and some more Vintage Photo DI on the edges of the illustrations.  I think you can probably see the woven texture of the paper I printed on here too, as well, obviously, as the lovely texture of the watercolour paper.

Some twine and raffia to bind the pages together... and we're pretty much done.

I'm going to leave you in peace to look through the journal shortly, but I should just say that the stamps come from a variety of sets: the front cover is Tim Holtz's Book Cover (simply love this stamp, and must use it more often!), and inside there are more TH stamps, as well as Stampology, Tattered Angels and Artemio images.

They're stamped mainly in Archival, but blending colours and sometimes including DIs on there too.

If you really desperately want to know more precisely, then drop me a comment or email with the month you want to know about, and I'll share the details with you.

But for now, I'm going to leave you to enjoy the winter sunshine... All I will add are the poem extracts from each page (in case the photos are not clear enough, or you can't read my handwriting) and sometimes a little something about the poems themselves, or perhaps the poem in full, or at least slightly expanded.

Some of the poems arrived on the pages here as inevitable participants, long-loved poems I've lived with for years; some I had to go in search of, and am delighted to have discovered some new poetical treasures!

So, on to the quotations, and the photographs of course!  Don't forget you can click on them for close-ups.

January is here, with eyes that keenly glow,
February.  Get Ink.  Weep.Write the heart out about it. 

Another day in March.  Late rawness and wetness. 

April is the cruellest month

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May

     The birds were in tune with the infinite skies,
And all my heart sang, "It is June, it is June,"

Hot July brings cooling showers,

September Song
(born 19.6.32 - deported 24.9.42)

Undesirable you may have been, untouchable

you were not. Not forgotten
or passed over at the proper time.

As estimated, you died. Things marched,

sufficient, to that end.
Just so much Zyklon and leather, patented
terror, so many routine cries.

(I have made

an elegy for myself it
is true)

September fattens on vines. Roses

flake from the wall. The smoke
of harmless fires drifts to my eyes.

This is plenty. This is more than enough.

                                                                                                     Geoffrey Hill


A springful of larks in a rolling
Cloud and the roadside bushes brimming with whistling
Blackbirds and the sun of October
On the hill's shoulder...

From Poem in October by Dylan

So dull and dark are the November days.

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,

Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter, long ag

And here is the fantastic Pack used:

And all over if you are a ture fan of Edith Holden,,,,,,,,,,
Tehn you´d love my previous products:

Special thanks to Alison bomber for this Play of Art,,,,,,,I am proud she is workin now on

Angels Creations & Vintage Chocolat Boxes


Welcome one and all to the kick off of the second annual
Visions of Sugarplums!
Throughout the week, those that are participating in this hop will be sharing, crafts, recipes, traditions, tips, and wonderful, wonderful prizes.  There will be prizes available each day and all you have to do is leave a comment and see their requirements on each participant's posts.  At the bottom of this page I will be including all the links available for each day.
Okay, so let's get this show on the road... :)
Visions Of Sugarplums Logo
We would love for you to help us spread the Christmas cheer by posting this logo on your sideba

Thank you so much for spending this week with me during the Visions of Sugarplums and I hope you've thoroughly enjoyed all the wonderful and crafty links to the very talented people involved in this entire hop. 
Be sure to stop in tomorrow to see who my winner is and until then, enjoy visiting the following links and hugs to you ALL!!
Lisa xx
 Visions of Sugarplums:

 Nicecrane Designs - $20 Gift Voucher
Moonlighting by Mary - 1 set of choice
Paper Sweeties - 1 set of choice

Please contact Lori to arrange your prizes

Dear Ladies: Wenche Jesen from mt Dt was working with my vintage stuff to create amazing tags and chocolat unique, so amazing, so adorable ones,,,,,take a look to her sweet work and you ´ll understand why it is a Must -Have for any crafters

Vintage Tag by Wenche Jensen

Wenche told "I am not the color the most plunger pressure, so when you see for other solutions This idea I got fromKatrineev , when I saw she had printed black and white on the power board and saw how delicious it was. Below is my valiant attempt at the same . text stamp is branded Staz distributed by Global Hobby and Art . The stamp I have used here can be found on the set A greeting; motif from Nice Crane Designs and are printed on natural colored sheets before it is cut with dies from Spellbinders. , a lovely digital design from Nice Crane Designscomes from the collection of Sugar & Spice DSL In"

Do you need some inspiration???????
Stunning Card by Katrine Vindfallet

And here is my adorable Sheet used by Wenche:

Here I am showing you her latest toffe boxes,,,,,,,,I really love how Wenche use these
fascinating die cuts and place my sweetie picts over.....working my


Enjoy single picts (above) and The complete Sheet (below)

And what about this funny box?,,,,,,,,,I love how Wenche aply her unique style

Toffe Box by Wenche Jensen working with "Antique Christmas CS"

Stitching Card working with my new Template
I also used here my new "Antique Christmas Collection" (Birds)


And Now,,,,,Do you believe in Angels???????
Enjoy making creations like these ones.

Working with my "Sweet Little Angels"
 Heart ' s Angel by Katrine Vindfallet (Absolutely a Play of Art my friend)

Tea   & Coffe Jars by Katrine Vindfallet (love them,,,,,so cuteeeeee)

 And,,,,,,Stunning Angel  Matchox by Heidi (love it, love it,,,,)

All these creations working with:



Ladies on Old Postcards, Vintage Boxes & Cards

 I am showing you my latest sheet on Fashion


To create vintage bookmarks, tags, cards,magnets 

and anything you can imagine


Karen C. did this stand up,,,,,,,picture....with this amazing sheet,really incredible

Today is a stand up picture holder featuring NiceCrane Designs

Front features spellbinder framing.  Venetian lace, seam binding and pearls.

Front features spellbinder framing.  Venetian lace, seam binding and pearls.
Enjoy watching single picts

And now take a look to the complete sheet:


Mevlida Malkoc is now on my Team, and,,,,,woww, she did these adorable and unique vintage boxes working with my Children on The Victorian Age Stuff,,,,,,,,I love the vintage effect and these gorgeus die cuts....and fascinating rose ..horayyyyy for Mevlida,,,,,welcome on board.

Vintage Chocolat Box by Mevlida Malkoc
Detailed View (Victorian Children Pict)

And.....What about this Christmas Box???????? ,working with my
Vintage Christmas & Children Pack .I love the background ,
 the stamp,and these vintage style
Vintage Christmas Box by Mevlida Malkoc
And Here are The Sheets used by herself


Marilyn was working with my famous Campbell Kids Sheet,,,,so cute , so unique so
different to use on funny cards and she did this gorgeus and stunning Card

Today's card is one of the cute little Adorable Wiederseim DSL #5 images from Nicecrane Desigsn These images are so cute and Campbell kid-ish...  I'm hoping to do every one of them in this series.The papers are First Edition's Day Dream, the leaves are cut with a CC Designs Leafy Branch Die, flowers are a Marianne Designs die and I added some Basic Grey brads to the center.  The sentiment is from the Lili of the Valley General Greetings set and finally, the image is coloured with Copics.

And take a look to previous works working with these amazing sheets:

Cards by Margreet

And here is the absolutely adorable sheet:


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