Satin Ribbon - Funny Photocluster II & Freebie

Woww,,,,, I am here again, this time with some gorgeus Ribbons (satin texture) and all over a new way to show your picts so funny ,,,,,,so unique take a peek:

And a really curious Card:

I used my new product "Satin Ribbon" available at my own Store DIRECTLY AND INSTANTANEUSLY TO A VERY LOW COST.

Files are in PNG format to works in any Graphic Software

But it only for a very limited time,,,,so GRAB IT while you can for only $2.50
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As you can watch I also used my famous and unique "Funny Photocluster" which inldue awesome bookplates to show jouranling or anything you can imagine:


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WOWWW,,,,,,,,,It sound well eh????...Now it is time to your fabulous FREEBIE for visiting my blog, yepaaa (Thanks), it is a specialo version from my "Funny Photocluster kit" so GRAB IT for FREE while you can

You can Download this awesome FREEBIE HERE and please leave some love words in my blog, thanks for purchasing my kits and freebies. PASS: funky

A Direct sale and new freebie

I was experimenting with my last template layout Muli-Photo II and then i was a really gorgeus papers frm "Passages" by Colleen Lynch. So I decided to do a romantic and nice lo using these beautiful papers and of course some of my own designs, here is the result:

I used papers from "Passages" by Colleen Lynch

I used also the follow kits to build the layout.

All them now available for downloading DIRECTLY and

INSTANTANEUSLY Throuh Paypal and E-junkie from my own Store


All them also available at DIGITALS and 3SCRAPATEERS

and now is time for a new Freebie,,,, so take a peek to my new "Windmill Template" it is available as a FREEBIE for a very LIMITED TIME.. the nice Windmill are included in the Template,,,,,,,

You can download this unique FREEBIE HERE and don´t forget to leave some love words in the commments here in my blog.....thanks for your time. PASS:windmill

New layout and a freebie for you

Wowww,,,,,,, I have begin to design aftger holidays,,,,,,yepaaaa,,,, so I am showing you my last Lo with my awesome "Piece by Piece" Template,,,take a look :

I used "Crazy butterflies" and of course my "Piece by Piece" Template and at the end I added some incredible origami Tato to get a unique look.

Tato is a traditional kind of folded paper purse in which a Japanese housewife keeps small items such as needles, ends of thread, buttons and so on. Some people consider them to be useful for keeping postage stamps,

yOU CAN BUY my really curious "Piece by Piece " Template DIRECTLY FROM MY BLOG AND INSTANTANEUSLY HERE

And if you prefer the really curious "Crazy Butterflies" you can get it HERE

And now,.......get only for a very limited time this awesome Origami Tato FREEBIE:

Download it HERE while you can pass:tato

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Photoshop Instructor, Graphic Designer, Origamist, Crazy Perfectionist


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