Snow White Template new 24 hours freebie

Wowwww. Take a look to my new Template,,,,,,,It is a tribute to these little Snow White I am offering this unique template for free on the next 24 hours so go ahedad and don´t miss it.
You can view all the potential of these unique designs in my new Lo. I hope you like

I used my new Template Snow White andI also use the follow products from my Store:

Glittery ArabesqueEphemeral FramesNature Paperpack

Take a peek to my Snow white for free:

Now ,,,,,,,,........SORRY EXPIRED LINK........ But you can buy a SPECIAL PACK with my two last templates for only $2.38 .at my STORE HERE

The power of Puffy Shapes and Freebie

I am showing you how you can use my "Puffy Shapes" in a funny and incredible way,,,,,so you can add color and all over a very special touch to your Lo.....take a peek in my new sweet LO:

Credits HERE ,,if you like this LO please enjoy the credits

Doodle tags by Nicecrane Designs
Puffy Shapes by Nicecrane Designs
Scary Papers by Nicecrane Designs

You can also to promoto your products,,,,,wowwwwwwww:

So you can miss this useful Tool,,,,,,,,go ahead and get it to a very low cost.

You can buy it directly from my Store HERE for only $3.72

and now it is time for your FREEBIE ,,,wow,,,,,,,,,

GRABT this awesome Template and build your incredible and unique design
SORRY EXPIRED LINK.But you can buy my Last two Templates now in a
single pack for only $2.38 at My STORE HERE

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Photoshop Instructor, Graphic Designer, Origamist, Crazy Perfectionist


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